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Search Engine Optimization Search Engine Optimization Search Engine Optimization Search Engine Optimization Search Engine Optimization Search Engine Optimization

Our Services

Search Engine Optimization

Waiting to begin with the website first and then optimize is a strict no-no in the ongoing decade of Internet marketing. Earlier in the 1990s, web development came first and then SEO as it was just coming into focus. Later web development and SEO was simultaneous but these days one needs to worry about creating SEO plan FIRST and then plan website development.
Are You A Newbie?
If you have just started with business, you may not have an iota of knowledge on starting with website optimization. Well, you have come to the right place! Our services help both small and large businesses develop decent SERP (Search Engine Results Page) and also increase online business presence through viral media buzz. At MayLevy, we target and manipulate the power of social media marketing to generate huge traffic to your website. This traffic translate into leads and thereafter, business deals and profits.
If not a newbie then you must have dabbled in search engine optimization to increase your business and met with dissatisfaction or severe displeasure with previous SEO services. You have come to the right place looking for SEO services.
We develop highly original content. We live, eat, and breathe online. Our nights are spent trying to understand the web connected to every single emerging platform and social management options, news trends, current buzz, and shifts on popular social networks. We constantly innovate and update existing social marketing practices to provide refreshing or newness of services to our clients. Platforms like Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Central, Yahoo! Site Explorer, Bing Toolbox (Bing™ webmaster tools), will only take you as far as the quality authority backlinks and connectedness that actual users generate via bookmarking and microblogging about your project.
To give a synopsis of what we deal with in social marketing:
– produce catchy webmercial
– an underground viral bushfire
– tweeting leaks
– celebrity gossip
– coupons and specials for visitors
– custom designed inforgraphic
and many more to get all the hoopla of web drama!
We induce or provoke communication with the visitors or readers – making them think about the client site and take necessary actions. In social networking sites, we deal with real user profiles who actively participate in discussions, reviews, shares, and repostings about your product and services at their will.

Design & Develop App

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Backup & Restore Data

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Develop Functions

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Successful Cases

Crypto Currency Trading Wallet

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Fast Loading

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Easily Create

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Our Dealers

Where Are We Located

Ut feugiat ornare mauris in malesuada mi ornare at. Morbi nec nisl sed nunc vehicula pellentesque non vel metus, pellentesque eu nulla dolor.

China Office
XinAn Street, HuaYu Road, Wuhan, China
Belinskiy Office
Adnos Street, Penza Oblast, Russia, 442250
Yaounde Office
Rue Antonie Essdomba Madsny, Younde, Camerodon 3432
Novo Aripuanã Office
Novo Aripuanã, State of Amazonas, 69260-000, Brazil
Washington Office
2050 E Vantage Hwdy, Ellensdburg, WA 98226


We offer tailor made service based on your needs

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Successful Projects


Satisfied Clients


Wonderful Praises

Demand Analysis

Make Design

Develop Theme

Program Test


Rating for Our Services

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean euismod bibendum laoreet. Proin gravida dolor sit amet lacus accumsan et viverra justo commodo.

We are Committed to Providing Our Customers with the Highest Quality Service

Our team is made up of award winning Creatives, Writers, Designers, Artists, Search Engine Experts and Web Developers to create strategies tailored fit to every brand.

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